EJIW is a leader in the manufacturing and distribution of construction castings used in road building, underground construction and utility construction. Products include storm and sanitary manhole frames and covers, drainage castings, utility construction castings, trench and tree grates, airport and port authority castings and monument boxes and covers.


Whether You Need One Or One Thousand…
Having trouble locating a special item, or need a custom piece built fast? Expediting the manufacture and delivery of your special request—anywhere in Western North America and the Pacific Rim—is our business.
LBIW has been helping build California’s public works infrastructure since 1913. We are the region’s premier supplier of construction castings and offer a comprehensive array of metal products. Today, its 100,000 sq. ft. fabrication operation manufactures custom solutions for complex problems, while also maintaining the kind of extensive product inventory unmatched in the Western United States. But what ultimately defines LBIW isn’t products. It’s people. It’s a team of seasoned professionals whose problem-solving expertise has been honed by many years in the industry. And nobody is better equipped to provide innovative solutions to help you deal with the most complex challenges.





Our website is dedicated to the living memory of our friend, colleague, and mentor, Karl George Weide We all love and miss you, George.