05 Area Drainage Castings

LB 7300 EJ 7300 A-2402 A2402
TRAFFIC RATED Cast Iron Trench Grates and Frames
Bicycle friendly trench grates and frames conforming to ASTM A48, Class 35B for GRAY IRON and rated for heavy duty traffic loading conditions (AASHTO H20).
The grates measure 24" long and the side frames are furnished in 24" or 48" lengths. Painted black with a water based coating; bolted trench grates and frames are also available.
Catalog Number | Grate Width | Clear Opening of Frame | Trench Width | Height |
LB 7301 | 8" | 22" | 6" | 1-1/2" |
LB 7302 | 10" | 22" | 8" | 1-1/2" |
LB 7303 | 12" | 22" | 10" | 1-1/2" |
LB 7304 | 14" | 22" | 12" | 2" |
LB 7305 | 17" | 22" | 15" | 2" |
*Note: Bolted grate and frame assemblies are available upon request.<br/><br/>Please refer to LB 7380 Series for ADA rated grates with frames.